
Folks, if you have any computer-illiterate friends and relatives you're on good terms with, please educate them about fake invoice emails.

The owner of one of my tech support patients tried to reverse a (nonexistent) $400 support subscription charge by calling the 1-800 number on a (fake) Geek Squad invoice.

I have to tell him that, because he refused to give his CC info to the "subscription cancellation" phone number he called (fake tech support scammers) *after* he let them into his PC, they nuked his files and programs on top of locking out his account with the password hint "call".

Please stress to them that if they let someone they don't know and you haven't vetted connect to their PC, it's already game over.

@arielmt Oh gods. Whenever I see those fake invoice spams I wonder if people actually fall for them and I guess the answer is yes. :/

@zorinlynx Unfortunately so. The reason they make it so obvious a scam to most folks is so that they deal only with those illiterate & gullible enough to fall for the scam hook, line, & sinker.

Also unfortunately, this extreme of retaliation for not paying, whether unwilling or unable, is standard practice.

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