Seriously though: I want (okay, demand) a version of Firefox with the "AI chatbot" functionality removed. Not disabled. Removed. I want all code which is specifically designed to connect to OpenAI removed from my computer completely. I do not care if the vampires have promised not to suck my blood. I do not want the vampires in my house in the first place.

I switched from Windows to Linux *specifically* so I wouldn't have to have an AI chatbot client on my computer so I don't understand why I'm supposed to find it acceptable the only Linux web browser includes an AI chatbox client.

@mcc For this second thing, yes, it's been real for several months or years now, and while it can't be excised it can be disabled.

Go to preferences, then to "search", then under "Address bar", disable search suggestions from sponsors. You can also search within preferences for "sponsor" to hit the other ad-related settings.

@arielmt This second thing is not present on my computer (129.0.2) and the checkbox I see in other people's screenshots to disable it is not present.


@mcc I would like to know the secrets of your ad-free search bar ways.

$ firefox --version
Mozilla Firefox 129.0
$ freebsd-version

@arielmt Current theories:

- Ubuntu Snap removes it
- Canada

@mcc @arielmt I don't see the sponsor suggestions either, in Europe. But anyway this is terrible, terrible news.

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