Got this neat guy for 5 USD at a Goodwill - they'd put it out in the Toys section. It's a Phillips Nino 500, running Windows CE 2.11, from 1999. Amazingly it still boots as soon as I've got batteries in it, and even communicates with my other WinCE device, but its lack of Windows Explorer makes installing software very difficult, as it can't show me the contents of internal storage or of the inserted CF card. I need to figure out how to Active Sync it - which means finding a cable that works. 😞


@wildweasel love these things! it's pretty funny that these are still useful as cheap infrared file transmitters today, since most western phones dropped that function two decades ago lol

@atlasstorm yeah! the funny part about this device is I can beam it literally any file I want (via the Voice Recorder) but have no way to use any files that aren't specifically in WAV format. I could probably fill up its whole storage with a copy of Doom and not be able to run it without Explorer or a Run dialog box.

Alas, 1999 PDA, cable is 100% proprietary (and serial!) so would need someone who knows what they're doing (ie. not me) to kludge one together - ebay sure ain't got any!

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