Subtoot, but kinda silly and good 

I love bots (or perhaps real people just mass copy-pasting) randomly replying to my toots with just the most random stuff. Whether it be no wife guy from around Christmas or this weird Illuminati actors account, it's rather amusing


Re: subtoot, but kinda silly and good (it's actually not so silly and good) 

I just realized that this one isn't quite as amusing as I thought. The "crisis actor" concept is actually kinda sorta very bad and dangerous. I'd like to think most of us here aren't ignorant, ill-informed, and/or gullible enough to fall for this, but it's still not as amusing because of that thing.

(The tie-in to the Illuminati is an interesting twist, though.)

Re: subtoot, but kinda silly and good (it's actually not so silly and good) (actually, it is quite silly) 

Wait, *all events*?! *All* important people?! Actually, this one is quite very silly. Maybe it's not *that* bad

Re: Re: subtoot, but kinda silly and good (it's actually not so silly and good) 

Some context on the "crisis actor" thing. That was in the account name that I blocked out. But, the account's been banned now, so, if it was a real person, the risk of exposing anything about them is now zero. So, yeah. Some bot named Crisis Actors.

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