a bounty hunter who enjoys the thrill of the hunt, as well as the benefits of payouts

but also has a habit of taking megacorp strike contracts, even if it's morally fucked up

sendaen (bounty huntress), weapons 

Her weapon of choice? WP_VariRifle.LV, a rifle-like weapon with three modes:
-WP_AsltRifle.L4: an assault rifle that packs a decent punch and has a decent fire rate
-WP_SnprRifle.L9: a sniper rifle that can often instantly kill, but takes a long time to recharge between shots
-WP_StunRifle.L2: similar to the sniper rifle, but stuns targets for a decent period of time, takes even longer to recharge

sendaen (bounty huntress), weapons 

@azushark LV... Level Variable?

This may be coincidence, but I likethat it could also be read as Level Five, 5 being the mean of 4, 9 and 2


sendaen (bounty huntress), weapons 

@Yza it was coincidence but that's perfect haha

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!