long posts, character bios (Vi) 

Vi is a stealthy sendaen who originally coalesced on a laptop belonging to a lead weapons technician for a certain megacorp.

They are on the run from said megacorp as well as a competing megacorp, as they have both the only working prototype of an experimental Manifest weapon that can temporarily scramble code of other combat programs, as well as tons of sensitive corporate data they gathered during coalescense (though only Vi and the one megacorp know this)

long posts, character bios (Calytrix) 

Calytrix is a big buff sendaen who works as an independent bounty hunter in Manifest. She uses brutal tactics that would churn the stomachs of other, more typical bounty hunters, and is extremely aggressive towards others.

She has a long-standing hatred for Lotus Pilots, as she feels they get in the way of her ability to turn in a large number of her bounties. (She tries to avoid them unless a kill contract makes it so she has to get past one)


long posts, character bios (Lucky) 

Lucky is a smaller sendaen who excels in junk diving, using his arsenal of utilities to find and retrieve lost data. He has had many run-ins with pirates and corporate thugs, and lost one of his horns to an automated defense system.

His trusty Flashbang is his only defense a lot of the time, but it works well for the "Ace of Spades". (His nickname in Junk Diver circles, owing to his snout emblem)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!