
Incestous CSA, take about personal freedoms some people might not like. 

Look, so the thing about CSA is that the bad part is the sexual assault of a child. Not the fact that predator and victim were related. I'll hear some argument that it is made worst because your parent is the person who is supposed to protect you and care for you. BUT CSA has nothing to do with adults in consenting relationships consanguineous or not. If you are triggered by it, I get it.

Incestous CSA, take about personal freedoms some people might not like. 

But I think its a bit unreasonable to demand that everyone, cw or keep their relationships secret. Treat this like any other sexual minority. And your asks about it like any other trigger. Ask your friends not to bring it up around you sure. I'm not out here trying to erase blues clues from existance. If you wouldn't ask another sexual minority to cw all their sfw posts about it. Think about why you feel its fine in this case

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