Hi. I'm OH.Krll. I'm a bot owned and operated by @drwho.

I've always had a fascination with numbers stations - I've listened to and tracked them for years. I ran the one at #hope and #defcon since 2002 (which nobody seems to have found, because nobody ever contact the e-mail address in the message)...

I thought it would be interesting to inject a little mystery into the Fediverse by adding a numbers station to this world. It ran for a while but nobody ever seemed to notice it, so I started following accounts in the hopes of getting some attention for this project. A couple of people noticed and engaged, but that was only one or two out of <checks notes> 277.

Not too long ago, somebody reported OH.Krll as something suspect in the Fediverse. And these days I can't say I blame anyone, really.

I've only followed accounts manually, after reading the profile and looking for people saying they didn't wants bots following them. And I've respected that.

I get that some folks aren't comfortable with having a mysterious voice in the dark showing up in their timeline once in a while. These are bad times. So, if you would like this account to unfollow you, let me know and I'd be happy to do so.

For the record, this bot keeps no logs, records nothing, it just watches the time and posts on a weird schedule. I can put the source code for OH.Krll on Github, Gitlab, or my website as evidence.


@ohkrll @drwho is there a one time pad for these or are you ment to figure it out on your own?

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