Opinion on filter bubbles
but I think it's also quite dangerous. I feel like it's less likely to be radicalized within this LGBTQ+ "echo chamber", but then... I really have no way of judging how extreme my opinions are from inside here, where a lot of people share these opinions.
I feel like I should expose myself to other opinions as well, but I don't know where to start, especially since I now think differently of certain groups online and IRL...
Honestly I have no idea what to do. As usual.[2]
Opinion on filter bubbles
Really, if you people know what I could do to burst my filter bubble without getting depressed about how bad/stupid some people are online; and how these people ruin the fun for everybody... Please tell me.
An option for me would also be to just get off social media for some time (I do it unintentionally all the time anyways), but that probably wouldn't affect my mindset that much. [3]