Can y'all recommend me some podcasts that are gentle and meditative without being meditation or "inspirational" podcasts? I'm going to try out Slow Radio, Hello From the Magic Tavern, Everything Is Alive, and Imaginary Worlds, but I would love ones that are nature/gardening/farm focused.

I have a particular love for things that are about small, soothing domesticities, if that makes sense. Narrative/conversational/informational are all equally acceptable.

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Just FYI, Hello From the Magic Tavern is hilarious at times but is not really meditative at all. I'm not saying you'll hate it, but it may not be what you're looking for in this category.

@intransitivelie Thanks for the info! I found it on a list of calming podcasts to listen to if you don't like meditating, or something to that effect, so that's why I included it. It sounds like fun, even if it's not meditative, although there are an overwhelming number of episodes.

@greengaybles Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Radical Queers is a small podcast about queer farmers in the US :blobCatSnug:

@ikol Oh this sounds lovely, thank you for the rec! Going to give it a listen in the morning.

@greengaybles this might not be what you are looking for but I am in the UK and love this gentle 5 minute podcast where the presenter wanders around a landscape, Park or town, noticing lots of little details about people, buildings, and sounds

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