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I'm not on board for requiring them on posts where marginalized people are discussing their lived experiences, though, and I'll likely boost posts where that's happening, so if that's an issue for you, I might not be the best person to follow.

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And a note re: content warnings: I'm absolutely willing and happy to use them, and I'm familiar with the main things like violence, nudity, gore, and other similar common triggers, as well as food and bugs and so on. But if you follow me and you'd like me to use a more specific one, please let me know. I want to help make everyone's experience as chill as possible, and there are bound to be things I wouldn't think of on my own.

Pinned post

Since I've locked my profile and now require follow requests, here are a few reasons I might not follow you/accept your request:
* You have no bio and/or no posts so I literally know nothing about you.
* You post/boost images with no alt text.
* You post/boost a lot of sexually explicit content (nothing wrong with it, just not my jam).
* You do a lot of Twitter cross-posting.
* It doesn't seem like we have much in common.

Pinned post

New instance, new intro.

I'm Chelsea, a 30s somewhere on the spectrum, sharing my house with 3 & a roommate named Elijah. I'm totally blind & use a screen reader, so image descriptions are mandatory for me to follow you.

I post about , , bad , occasional things, & I'm a huge fan of & .

Cis but a supporter of trans rights, white but a supporter of BLM.

Trying to follow all the women.

I love that y'all are boosting/faving this silly post, but it is causing a serious itch in my brain that there's a missing apostrophe and I didn't realize before I posted it. I don't have the option to edit without deleting and redrafting, so I'm just going to have to live with it, but I couldn't go on without at least acknowledging it.

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Apropos of nothing, Ive only recently discovered that the πŸͺΊ emoji exists, and it makes me very happy even though I have few reasons to use it.

That's all, as you were.

Where Darkness Blooms by Andrea Hannah is also out today and I'm dying to read it, but it's not on Bookshare yet.

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There are way too many out today that I want to read, including I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai, The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz, It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison, and, for a total change of direction, For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding. They're all on Bookshare already and I don't know which to read first. Leaning toward either the Rebecca Makkai or the Julia Bartz, but I haven't decided.

I've never gotten to touch a goose to really get a sense of what they're like and it's one of the great sadnesses of my life. I love them so much, and I know what they look like in theory, but I want so badly to interact with them.

Anyway it's very beautiful outside today, mid-60s and cloudy with occasional rays of sun, but wind gusts are reported to get up to 22 mph, which I feel should be illegal. I know I live in the state where the winds come sweepin' down the plains, but 22 mph just feels like a homophobic microaggression against me personally.

Still, there's a lot of birdsong and windchimes from the neighbor's porch, and the faint smell of barbecue smoke, so that's nice.

Kinda wish I had chosen when I moved away from .lol, but I really do not want to make a new account and do the pinned posts and following/followers all over again already, so oh well.

Photos of me and my face 

Today's weather was 70s and sunny, so naturally we went to the park, as we do. We had a Subway picnic and my mom took way too many photos of me, and I played my very good spring/summer playlist. Spring is so close I can taste it.

Can y'all recommend me some podcasts that are gentle and meditative without being meditation or "inspirational" podcasts? I'm going to try out Slow Radio, Hello From the Magic Tavern, Everything Is Alive, and Imaginary Worlds, but I would love ones that are nature/gardening/farm focused.

I have a particular love for things that are about small, soothing domesticities, if that makes sense. Narrative/conversational/informational are all equally acceptable.

The thing about getting enough sleep at reasonable sleeping hours is that the second my body starts announcing to me that I feel tired, my brain immediately starts doing the mental equivalent of a toddler banging pots and pans together to create a raging cacophony.

Why does the idea of lying still long enough to fall asleep fill me with uncontrollable anxiety? Why is my brain waging a lifelong war against me and my peace and happiness?

I'm tired.

My holy grail scent is still one that will allow me to smell like an apothecary in the middle of a flower garden just after a rainstorm, which is a lot and I'm still searching for it. I want to try Garden Hideaway from Stereoplasm and The Philosopher's Garden from Osmofolia when money allows. Indie fragrance is an expensive hobby.

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I'm not sure exactly what it smells like to me, something warm and a little smoky and spicy, with a faint sweetness behind it. My mom says it smells like a Victorian tea room, but I don't get any tea from it personally.

I think I've boxed myself so firmly into florals that I haven't given other scent types a fair chance, and although I'll never love gourmands or scents with musk, I'm thinking I might start branching out a bit.

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I have an intense love affair with indie , and normally I go for florals and green scents, with occasional forays into herbal. I'm currently trying out Villa Diodati from Poesie (pungent wild rosemary and fresh balsam pine, crystal clear lakewater, dry, dark vanilla), and it's not at all my usual thing, but I'm starting to warm to it. I avoid vanilla as a rule, and I was nervous about it in this, but it's not the primary note that I smell.

I'm not on board for requiring them on posts where marginalized people are discussing their lived experiences, though, and I'll likely boost posts where that's happening, so if that's an issue for you, I might not be the best person to follow.

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And a note re: content warnings: I'm absolutely willing and happy to use them, and I'm familiar with the main things like violence, nudity, gore, and other similar common triggers, as well as food and bugs and so on. But if you follow me and you'd like me to use a more specific one, please let me know. I want to help make everyone's experience as chill as possible, and there are bound to be things I wouldn't think of on my own.

Since I've locked my profile and now require follow requests, here are a few reasons I might not follow you/accept your request:
* You have no bio and/or no posts so I literally know nothing about you.
* You post/boost images with no alt text.
* You post/boost a lot of sexually explicit content (nothing wrong with it, just not my jam).
* You do a lot of Twitter cross-posting.
* It doesn't seem like we have much in common.

New instance, new intro.

I'm Chelsea, a 30s somewhere on the spectrum, sharing my house with 3 & a roommate named Elijah. I'm totally blind & use a screen reader, so image descriptions are mandatory for me to follow you.

I post about , , bad , occasional things, & I'm a huge fan of & .

Cis but a supporter of trans rights, white but a supporter of BLM.

Trying to follow all the women.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!