the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
Transport, Signals
CAP03A.ICO - Daily, Garb
...Bags, Binocs, Clothes, Hats, Masks, Shoes, Specs, Umbrellas
LEGG00B.ICO - Daily, Garb
...Check, Clipboard, Diary, Index, Notebook, Schedule, Teledesk
MODTL02T.ICO - Comms, Modem
{ICON1D.ICO - Fronts, File Extensions
ORANG01B.ICO - Daily, Foods
RACEC00H.ICO - Transport, Road
...Bowsers, Bus, Cars, Emergency Vehicles, Trucks, Tyres
}DESKMEN.ICO - Fronts, Fronts
...Directory Trees, Menus, Prompts, Screens
}REDTAB0.ICO - Language, Words
WINLITE.ICO - Branded, (Utilities
FOLDR13M.ICO - Data, Folders
DIVER01B.ICO - Activity, Sport
...Archer, Biker, Diver, Fisher, Gymnast, Runner, Skier, Teams
AIRBL01D.ICO - Transport, Air
GARDN00C.ICO - Activity, Activity
...Dance, Garden, Gesture, Hold, Point, Read, Talk, Write
TENIS01B.ICO - Activity, Ballgame
...Balls, Baseball, Bowls, Football, Golf, Pingpong, Pool
ANUM00B.ICO - Language, Alphanumeric
WORM01A.ICO - Animate, Insects & Microscopics
~APP22BC.ICO - Fronts, Control Application
...Toolbar Icons
TV01A.ICO - Daily, Furnish & Decorate
FILM04C.ICO - Data, Media
...CD, Film. Tape
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!