

i would like to spend more time around other trans women irl but i worry that i am just annoying


it doesn't help that i seem to keep finding myself coincidentally in the same space as other trans women who then proceed to politely ignore me :(


@lambdagrrl There are a couple of girls I work with that started working with us after they transitioned (only two of us transitioned after getting hired), and I want to make a girls gang, but I really don't want to open with "Hi! I can tell you're trans!"


@churusaa omg where do you work that you have multiple trans colleagues?


@lambdagrrl Veeam Software. I got lucky when I landed in a city after getting out of the miltary, because Columbus (Ohio) turned out to be really gay and awesome, generally. The trans clinic at OSU only has business hours on Wednesday, but I'm more amazed that on an island in the middle of midwestern farmland, we even have one.


@churusaa like i love being an academic but i'm the only woman in my research group, and no trans people or queer people besides me as far as i'm aware


@lambdagrrl That could be my fate, too. I'm going to school now to get a degree in computer science specializing in machine learning and AI, and I want to get out of the private sector and go into research.


@lambdagrrl I don't know how it is at the other Veeam offices, but I did get really lucky. There aren't any development jobs in the US at my company (they're all in Eastern Europe), but we've got support offices on three continents, and sales/hr/marketing offices dotted all over the US and Europe.

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