contrapoints, angry
god fuckin dammit do I need to watch the latest contrapoints just so I can find out what flavour of mental health crises my friends and sisters are gonna be having next?
contrapoints, angry
@Alyx sick of her addiction to ambiguity in service of playing both sides
she's not even a leftist, she created tabby to make fun of the left and now she's profiting from a fandom who misinterprets the character as a role model
contrapoints, angry
@lambdagrrl that's the thing, she seems to get her energy from walking this tightrope and inviting people to gawk at the spectacle: hey look at me, I can see both sides!
does this actually achieve anything?
contrapoints, angry
@Alyx it achieves bitter community infighting and the retraumatising of the already vulnerable
contrapoints, angry
@lambdagrrl sick of her games
sick of white celebrity "leftists" honestly