relationship gripe
I mean I guess I don't have an issue with being in a polycule of that size but I do have to wonder about the impulse to chart the thing
and also why am I not invited, I'm told I'm a good kisser
relationship gripe
@klara I mean yes but also this person was talking about having run a conference. For the polycule.
relationship gripe
@lambdagrrl Yeah, we're definitely talking about the same person, and I promise that the reality of it is not what you're imagining. She's using that kind of language for a dozen queers processing together in a living room because she's happy that it was possible to do that without it being a disaster.
(And, I mean, I do totally get feeling like shit when other people are happy about their relationships and you're single. I've been there, and it sucks.)
relationship gripe
@klara tbh I kind of assumed it was something like that but also now my brain has been seeded with the idea that "there are people with literal hundreds of people they can be happy with and I am just so alone and unloved"
relationship gripe
@klara I hate being like this. I want to be happy for others but it's so fucking difficult when I can't be happy for myself.
relationship gripe
@lambdagrrl *hug, if you're in the mood for text hugs from people you've only tangentially met at a conference once*
relationship gripe
@klara *hug* thanks, sorry I'm probably a bit much when I'm like this
relationship gripe
@lambdagrrl FWIW, because I think I know the source of this, while some people find it fun to talk about being "in the same polycule" with >200 people, it's really no more meaningful than Erdös or Bacon numbers to mathematicians and actors. Most of those people have never even interacted with each other; there are just some connected hubs.
(And some people find personal record-keeping to be, like, a relaxing meditative thing? I sure as heck don't, but.)