So you know how i'm a writer? (you don't? you should fix that! ;) ) i'm also kind of one of those lgbtq+ peeps you hear about sometimes. The Furry Writers' Guild uses Pride Month to highlight writers who are that, and this week it's... me! :)

@leinir *both ears perk up*

Hello I am that.

Also, do you know @vicorva? I do not think they are furry (Crow!) but I do think you should check out their work.


@aldersprig Hello there! i did not, but now i follow them! Let's see where we go from here :D @vicorva

@leinir @aldersprig Leinir I read your interview! Congrats on being featured!

It was also really cool to read something from the perspective of another queer writer. I'm asexual andI think agender as well (though the latter is very new to me and I'm mostly saying non-binary while I figure out the specifics!) and it was just awesome to hear how that affects your writing. I thought your interview overall was very thoughtful and articulate and it was a very interesting read.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!