
Alrighty then, friends! The free-fly has just started, and that means you can try out the game for free,no strings attached,until July 17th.

Sign up for an account using my link here:
Then follow this other link to get in on all the things:
Importantly:You can't add a ref code once you've created your account, so definitely don't forget :)

If you should decide to buy access, you'll also get a nifty little buggy to scoot around in :)

As per usual with things like this: Don't spend until you want to, and don't spend more than feels sensible. This is a "buy to play" game, so anything called a "game package" will get you perpetual access to the game, but also don't buy until you've at least tried it a bit. That said, this is a good time to nab a package, as two of the game packages are on offer. Personally i like the 100i, but the Aurora MR will do just fine, and is the cheapest way to get in the game for forever :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!