UK, pol 

If the Tories made an election pledge to make the sun rise in the east every morning, people would take it as evidence that their policies are working

There is no evidence to suggest that inflation rates starting to fall has anything to do with the Tories, and plenty of evidence to suggest that their policies are part of the reason it has stayed so high for so long

Most economists said that inflation was going to fall anyway, regardless, just like the sun continues to rise in the east

UK, pol 

The right wing press are touting the by-election results as a win for the Tories and claiming that hanging onto one of the safest seats in the country by there slimmest of majorities is clear evidence that they'll win the next general election


UK, pol 

@tryst let's just keep them believing that - maybe some safe feeling lefties could be convinced it's tighter than it might be as well, so we can actually get people into the booths for a change? Would be nice

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