i'm trying to put together a simple setup for photographing consoles & i think i'm close to what i want but not quite

i've got it laid flat on a table with a ring light above it & i want the camera to point straight down through the light but on a tripod i can only point it down at an angle (see pic)

anyone have any ideas for how i could achieve this, if it involves buying something not-too-expensive i don't mind

@lion I've boosted to see if anyone following me has any ideas, but my first thought is: do you have a way to angle the surface you're photographing on to match the angle of the camera? I’d imagine with a bit of trying you could make something out of cardboard so the consoles are supported. The angle looks low enough that I don't expect anything would slide off?


@coffeentacos Yeah I might have to do that. I found a folder that gives it about the right angle so that could be a decent enough solution

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