
The internet has been down in my area all day and god it would be so much more bearable if Openreach actually gave any information about what had gone wrong/what needs fixing/any ETA. But nope, just completely left in the dark not knowing anything.

Openreach's usual response is just "contact your ISP" but they don't tell you anything either and tbh I doubt they know anything more than what is on the status page (which is basically nothing).


Can't wait until one of the other networks that have been building in my area finally go live, will be switching in a heartbeat.


re: Rant 

@Rib yeah the whole setup with openreach seems like it must be intensely frustrating when anything goes wrong and both sides just fob you off onto the other

as much as i complain about virgin sometimes like at least the company i have a contract with is the same company that manages the infrastructure & they usually do know what is going on

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