Sending these personal mastodon feature requests out into the aether:

- option to post publicly but not to the local timeline (or option to make unlisted post hashtag searchable, same thing ish)
- option to post to followers and local instance only
- a button to request all replies (and fav/boost info) for a thread from original instance (or something else to solve the reply visibility problem automatically)
- way to follow somebody, but *algorithm handwave* rate limit and only show me "the best" N posts of theirs a day
- ability to mute somebody's boosts for a specified period of time
- let me know when somebody favs/boosts a toot I boosted
- ok but I do kinda still want emojo reacts on posts too why am I limited to just favs sorry I know

@madewokherd hmm, this isn't quite what I meant here; I can find replies to myself ok for the most part

it's more that on other people's posts from other instances, if I go to view that post in the web interface, then it shows some set of replies; but that set of replies may not be all the replies that my instance could see, and only the ones it knows about so far (at least to my understanding?)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!