An entire #ADHD thing about finding an effective app to help with tasks or scheduling is that even after you've found one, even after you've used it a bit and you feel that it really helps - you will inexplicably then forget it exists. Multiple times.

(This is legit funny and it's okay to laugh, but at the same time this kind of thing can really wear on the self-esteem of a person w/ ADD/ADHD, so be gentle and don't tease too hard when your friend is like, "Oh YEAH, I forgot I have that...")


@hollie Huh. I feel like I may have run into this problem, but I don't think I have ADHD.

@madewokherd I don't think that's odd! :) As I understand it, one can have have traits that match a diagnosis of some kind, but that trait isn't consistent or trouble-causing enough that it warrants the diagnosis. I have a couple strong autistic traits, mostly relating to my utter confusion at reading the intent of behavior of folks around me - it's why I intentionally surround myself with kind people - I am frequently asking what they mean. But from what I've been told, I'm not autistic.

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