vore, noncon, "you", Rationalist //
monster that thinks it's important to consider the strongest arguments from each side
it doesn't expect you to have the strongest argument (you're obviously motivated )
but it does need you to maximally cry and plead for mercy to test the argument "eating people is bad b/c you'll regret it" in its strongest form.
regardless, it's going to prepare you as deliciously as possible, to likewise steelman "eating people is good b/c they taste good".
vore, noncon, torture, "you", Rationalist //
just remember to keep begging & scream if it hurts, to test "eating people is bad b/c they feel pain" and "eating people is bad b/c it violates their consent".
(don't worry, you'll be going through the whole food prep process alongside a pig as the control.)
vore, noncon, torture, "you", Rationalist //
@lioness This motivation assumes that you actively want others after you to not be eaten, rather than being indifferent or wishing the same fate on others.