people have been asking for this one a lot so: what are your favourite git aliases to set?

I don't really use git aliases, so I’m curious -- if you use aliases heavily, why do you use them? is it

1. to help remember very long / complicated commands, like `git log` with a million options
2. to save typing for very frequently used commands, like `gca = git commit --amend?
3. to give yourself kind of a "dictionary" of all the common git commands you use, so that you can remember what your workflow is by looking at all your aliases
4. something else?


@b0rk My "ff" alias for "merge --ff-only" is because I think of a "fast forward" as something different from a "merge" and it.. feels wrong to me to use the merge command to do it?

Although since you mentioned long commands, I might make an alias for "push --force-with-lease" because that's the only way I'll ever bother to use it.

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