gender questioning 

@HeckMouse i think that the answer is "if you feel genderfluid is a good concept/word for you or some aspect of you right now, then you are genderfluid. And if not, then the fact that you are considering this could still point you to something that fits better".

One thing that helped me to start figuring things out was to have a genderoftheday.doc where i took notes about all those gender-related things (I had 5 loose categories). It made stuff more real for me.

gender questioning 

@Maenad @HeckMouse aaah. yeah, trying to tell these things apart can get super weird. personally, when I get to that point, I try to give myself a break because I end up plucking apart my experience in a way that can only hurt me, and certainly won't do any good in fighting misogyny.

"How do i want my friends to know/perceive/call/etc me" works better for me than "did I dislike this because of me being weird or because that was drenched in sexism".

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