i love how this ad was very clearly made in the software itself and how (if you can read portuguese and notice the breaks in the grammar) it's completely glitched up with skipped and repeated lines
RT @mediarchaeology@twitter.com
MSX Page Maker ad, a thing of beauty
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mediarchaeology/status/1532841508415713282
the MSX was very popular in brazil thanks to Sharp/Epcom and Gradiente manufacturing their own computers in brazil during the import ban in the 1980s, however they were only MSX1
MSX2 was only ever available in unofficial upgrade kit form or via contraband
datassette is a good treasure trove for brazilian magazines of that era, especially about the MSX computer: https://datassette.org/revistas/msx
another Nemesis Informática ad from CPU magazine dated 1990, showcasing their products and games for sale that year http://datassette.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/revistas/cpu_msx_14.pdf