i wanna like static site generators but like is there one i can give my client that doesn't require them to install a programming language first like node or python or ruby
i want something like eleventy but standalone without npm
@mavica_again maybe some sort of python/npm to app packager?
@ignis sob
@mavica_again lol
@mavica_again mood
@mavica_again i had my professor package a quiz made in python into a .exe before
it was 1GB big lmao
i ran it in wine since i was on mac, it crashed at the end
i never completed the quiz.
@ignis SOB
computers were a mistake
@mavica_again If it's hosted on GitHub then GitHub Actions can be used to build and deploy that stuff for you. Guess that's less helpful if they wanna run it locally though.
@batbeeps yep no github
@mavica_again Might be able to cram npm stuff into an npm/shell script so it's less of a pain?
I'm not aware of any SSGs that don't require at least some terminal faffery, unfortunately.
@batbeeps terminal faffery that i can stuff in a batch file is fine
npm on windows is fucking miserable
hugo is the only one that offers windows binaries it seems so i'm going with that
@mavica_again Look for the ones written in Go.
@mavica_again I can't vouch for the qualities (and maybe you've already seen it) but the shape of something like this seems promising https://www.getzola.org/
@lmorchard the "everything in one binary" tagline is enticing me
@mavica_again Oh yeah and I guess in golang world, Hugo is popular? https://gohugo.io/
@lmorchard @mavica_again i've used hugo before (at work, even! an internal wiki was set up using it), it's... a little bit annoying and i never actually got as far into converting my jekyll blog to hugo, but if one's starting from scratch it might be worth considering. only starts getting slow and clunky to compile once you've got over a thousand pages
@selectric @lmorchard looks like between zola and hugo i'm going with hugo if only because zola's windows installation is like "ok use either of these package managers that's actually linux under the hood" and hugo has an actual windows binary instead
i want an idiot button "click here to generate your website" that doesn't yell at them "UHH HYOURÉ RUNNING THE WRONG BERSION OF NODE THIS IS 7.2 I NEED 7.2.3"