@root which one am i
@root while i do like to think that i am fun i am also, in fact, a computer, and i understand the distinction you're trying to make and it's coming across as just as hurtful as whenever i have to check "i am not a robot" to a captcha
@root (what i'm saying is that the distinction isn't so much the issue as the wording)
@root s'ok
here's supplemental reading material
@root lmaoooo
@root @mavica_again That needs to be a sticker.
@root @mavica_again I use a browser extension that fills those out for me automatically, and I think a lot about what that implies.
@LunaDragofelis @root i've also seen "sapient" used and tbh i never looked too deep into the distinction between "sentient" and "sapient" but yes i do like that
"this account isn't sentient/sapient" would work best imo