welcome to linux. your screensaver is set to ‘none’. the display power management settings UI is set to never switch off the screen. and the screen switches off every half an hour. this is because the “real” settings are in 19 bullshit files somewhere, and they all override each other. because it’s linux you can edit all 19 files yourself, it only takes a couple of hours! but by the time you’re done there’s been a package update that resets your changes. it also changed the config file format


@jk this could've been avoided if only you built your own linux from scratch from the source files as described in this document that will take you a week to follow through and also it's out of date and the only way to fully follow it anymore is if you had read these specific forum posts which obviously you were meant to be already aware of otherwise you're a bad user

@mavica_again @jk and all of the documents begin with "chaging the config is actually very simple" 😩

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