ok nerds convince me i can give up windows fixing this one 100% dealbreaker for me. why is ms sans serif rendering like shit in scite and not in windowmaker. don't monkey paw me and make it render like shit in both

@mavica_again i think i vaguely remember seeing that same font rendering issue in scite on an xp vm awhile ago, could you try a font file from a newer version of windows? would a newer version of the font be compatible with windowmaker, and for that matter is the font on newer versions the same anyway

@krishean all the ms fonts i have in this system right now are truetypes from xp, i don't think ms sans serif changed since then? (until it got outright retired anyway)

if you have another source for fonts with good hinting that can be printed without any form of antialiasing at all (something 100% impossible to google for in 2024) please enlighten me. i can't wait for 2024 linux to have a similar capability of font rendering as 1995 windows


@krishean the only thing i can find when i search for "fonts with pixel hinting" are 1000 bullshit articles titled "what is font hinting anyway????"

we have forgotten how to draw fonts for low DPI. it's lost media.

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