I think a lot about a post I read years ago, where OP talks about having seen a therapist somewhere in the EU - talks about their problems, concerns, et cetera, the therapist hangs on every word, and ultimately declares the diagnosis to be not clinical depression, but "a terminal lack of funding."
How very many problems could be solved in our lives, if only we were all just paid enough money to live them comfortably.
It's why I would rally for any kind of universal basic income, or just generally better/easier access to welfare programs. Opponents of such programs would say things like "people just don't want to work." I'd say that's untrue, but at the same time, *I* don't want to work. I hate the idea of a nine-to-five. The regular paycheck was nice, but spending half my waking days separated from the parts of my life in which I thrive was not so nice. The absolute hell of working for The Man.
@wildweasel hey welcome to the club