: anyone know how i can translate TouchBegin/TouchEnd Xinput2 events into ButtoDown/ButtonUp for an program (unmodifiable) which works with mouse pointer input but not with a touchscreen which used to fire mouse button events in kernel 4.4 but no longer does in kernel 5.14?

@mavica_again it might be possible to do that using the uinput API. I don't know of any program that does this, but it sounds possible


@lexbailey i saw 1 (one) post mentioning uinput and it linked to a githup repo to it that was last committed to like 11 or 12 years ago and i dismissed it as "there's no way this is going to work today". it fucking Reeks that i have to write my own C code to fix this regression introduced in the linux kernel

@mavica_again yeah, it is a bit annoying. I'm guessing it's a bit of a xkcd 1172 kinda thing.

@lexbailey it kinda is and kinda isn't! rtp (Resistive Touch Panel, from the device-tree, which is nigh unsearchable thanks to Real-time Transfer Protocol) used to fire off mouse click events and now it fires "Touch Begin" events. breaking Literally all software made for older kernels which means closed-source software such as pico-8 will Simply not work with your Shiny new Kernel

@lexbailey but like, it's not like it's A Bug that was exploited. i fully expect that if i'm touching a desktop application for it to generate desktop application events. sorry that i'm using software from before Touch was a Thing

@lexbailey Also touch events are meant for fucking multi-touch it should have no business being shoved into resistive touch screens in the first place

@mavica_again I see the logic behind the change, but yeah at least a config option should be provided if things are gonna break :(

@lexbailey i guess yeah "let's standardize ALL touch panels!" but i still think "let's make touch panels that are meant for single-touch fire the same events as a multi-touch capacitive panel" screams "i'm a software engineer and i have never touched a hardware"

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