TL;DR: I have launched my #BBS!
Find a suitable Telnet client (syncterm works reasonably well), or connect from your favorite retro machine with whichever serial-to-telnet contraption you might have. The address? Why,
of course! Or, if you prefer. Welcome to the fabulous world of Bulletin Board Systems!

An important part of BBS history (as described in the fabulous documentary*) is how some of them became safe spaces for the LGBT community, allowing them to connect and, for many, discover that they were not alone. In my very tiny way, I want to honour that incredibly beautiful story and dedicate my BBS to those pioneers of on-line community building.

I also need to share a picture of the machine it's running on. The custom RAM with LEDs is provided by Siliconinsider (look them up on Tindie!), and it looks ... stunning.

The BBS is connected to #DOVE-Net, a message exchange with other BBSes around the world. I don't have a lot of files there yet (mostly old #OS/2 software), but I plan to add more in the coming weeks and months.

Connect and join the BBS community! Also, poke me if you have any problems - either here or on the BBS.

(Note: The Guest account is currently disabled due to .. can you imagine .. spamming!)


See also:

#retrocomputing #midlifecrisis #retro #pride #lgbtq
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!