😣 no. i am not accepting content collaborations, sponsorships, guest posts, or advertising… for my blog. please stop contacting me about it 😓
(my blog is for my personal writing. it’s not meant to be bigger than that. thank u for understanding.)

@alienmelon i haven't gotten a single email to that regard that hasn't been machine-generated spam. computer fairies (a mastodon instance, not a blog) would constantly get emails asking for that sort of stuff. not sure what made the scraper bots identify it as a "blog"

@mavica_again i keep getting them from these agencies and it’s always a very professional sounding person that also includes all their contact info, with phone number, wants to “arrange a call”, and if i ignore them they keep doing follow up emails. it’s so annoying.

@alienmelon i'm pretty sure it's boilerplate, the ones we got were very professional sounding too. except for the part that they were very impressed with a blog that didn't exist

@mavica_again omg that’s hilarious. 😆 the follow ups are so annoying. i wonder why or what they even get out of this. like flooding google results with something? do they actually pay anything? is it some type of hook for a scam?


@alienmelon my guess is SEO flooding yeah. if you're a sellout enough that you want to smear an ad post on your blog (if you even have a blog that caters to that sort of stuff) i'm guessing you do get paid for it. explains a lot of super small-time game blogs that get flooded with posts about casino games pitching a website

i always just replied with "absolutely! just make an account right there on the page" (at this point computer fairies had open registrations) and the follow-ups stopped.

@mavica_again lol that’s a smart hack to answering. maybe i need to make a bogus signup that doesn’t go anywhere.
interesting tho that they’d have budget enough to SEO flood like that because i’d assume it would take a lot of guest posts to make a difference. seems like it would be an interesting thing to pick apart.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!