if you ever mention that you use an android or an iphone, theres always exactly one person who replies to tell you that they're better than you because they use the other kind. it's exactly one person, just one guy, who still thinks that it's 2012, and hasn't yet been made aware that not only does it not matter, but both are utterly terrible, awful, shitty platforms, and only the most bizarre type of loser might ever be excited to have to use either of them

"i love how on android i can.." "i love how iphones have this thing which.." no you don't! nobody loves that. you love using a phone??? you enjoy using a smartphone???? what the fuck is wrong with you? the device has the user interface design, personality, and overall depth of an airport information kiosk


@jk it's 2024 and manipulating (selecting, copying and pasting, moving a cursor around) text is still a nightmare on these pocket computers that are somehow considered "essential" about only a decade after their proliferation

@mavica_again @jk A few years back, I met someone who had been in prison for over a decade, and they were utterly baffled by how ubiquitous smart phones had become. (People often can't bring things like phones in when they visit prisoners) And they've only become more essential in the last five years.

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