"flash had to die so that the internet could move on" is such a funny clown take to me. you're actively rooting for enshittification

it's so funny and not at all stressful how i'm mutuals with so many bootlickers for the current disrepair of computing

i'm not gonna say flash is the end all be all but to say "it's good that flash died and HTML5+JS reigns supreme now" is an incredibly bastard take


i'm going to go back to a windows 98 computer connected to the internet and whoever i cannot reach because of TLS1.2, good

maybe the thing i need is to whittle down the already anemic number of people i talk to. maybe this is why hermits are a thing. i understand now

flash was too easy to fuck around in so we needed to raise the barrier of entry so that only big corporations could make eyecatching websites anymore

flash was too easy to make functionality in so we needed to limit the scope of what runs on your phone so that you can only interact with things that are approved by The App Store (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughts)

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