
arguments against space as indentation:

  • lack of accessibility
  • lack of standardisation (i have seen, no joke, a codebase i worked on professionally with 3 spaces per level. and we were forced to maintain it)
  • confusion when inputting depending on editor (if your tab key produces tabs not spaces, you have to press space several times per level to match rest of file)

arguments against tab as indentation:

  • nhgguuuhh i don't know how to make tab smaller in my editor waaaah

i love python for enforcing consistent indentation in code. i hate PEP 8 for choosing the wrong one

@mavica_again i love 3 space per level tbh :neofox_floof_happy: but that's what's so cool about tabs, if you don't like 3 spaces then you can simply not have them be 3 spaces big, you can make them however big you want!! and when the code comes back to me they'll still look 3 spaces big to me. everyone wins

@mavica_again Wait, don't you just put it in the formatter settings if you need to keep consistent indentation?

@boo_ there were... more issues in that organisation than the indent style


  • “lack of accessibility” mind being less vague with what exactly youre referring to here
  • “lack of standardisation” tell me how many cells a tab is.
  • “confusion when inputting depending on editor” i cant think of a single modern code editor that doesnt support inputting spaces when hitting tab.

arguments against tabs as indentation:

  • tabs can only be exactly one specific width, if you want to align with something that doesnt fit with that, you get inconsistent usage of tabs or spaces


TABs are a stupid leftover from the days of mechanical typewriters. They are one of the best reasons (among ounces, cars, the Electoral College, churches, the letter Q, weapons, etc.) why the Earth should be ground up into gravel, and used to build a better planet from scratch.

@JorgeStolfi you're clearly a bad actor so i'm going to put this link here for anyone else who comes across your reply and block you now 👋



That article is silly. It is about what is the best amount of indentation on the screen, not about the TAB key or the TAB character.

The distance of indentation need not be proportional to the number of spaces in the code file, and each programmer should be able to change it without actually editing the file. And the best amount depends on other help that the editor could provide, like vertical alignment lines or collapsible blocks. 🧵‍>


🧵‍> And the display of code on Braille terminals should really be more sophisticated than just "display one Braille character for each byte in the file".

@mavica_again Read the article you linked and yeah, no.

My autistic brain gets severely upset by certain kinds of formatting. It's why we don't use certain languages to code.

We have our own issues we're dealing with and they are just as important.

A visual impairment does not trump other accessibility issues caused by non-visual impairments.

@mavica_again I was forced into using 3 space indents in one of my CS classes
I genuinely don't know what my prof for that class was thinking

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