There's only one developer in the world whose projects and code I relish with the same energy as a new album from a favourite band, and folks, has done it again! Please check out The Ditherinator v0.1 for all your Atkinson / Bayer 8x8 / CGA mode 0 / MS Paint (+ MORE) image processing fun!

Post your results with
#ditherinator and let mavica know what you think (+ hit its Kofi with a few bucks)

@angela @mavica_again The NES looks way better than I was expecting... Now I am wondering if there's some modern mapper that would allow you to release a full live action film as an NES cart...



@wrosecrans @angela something like that has been attempted! though do note that the ditherinator images look better because they don't limit how many of the NES colors to put on an image at once

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