it feels like nobody is here anymore. i see people interacting with eachother and im just. completely isolated. im seriously really considering completely disappearing off the face of the internet, because i feel like nobody really gives a shit.
i have almost no friends anymore, loved ones, they all drift away and disappear, evanesce and go away never to return, and part of it is my fault
i once was a figure on the internet and now i dont even exist anymore, it feels like im already dead and roaming life just waiting for something to kill me
i would say this is a plea for help but i know help doesnt come anymore. i know theres almost nobody reading this, and a good amount of people will skip over it because of the cw
i dont know what to do. i feel like im in a constant state of crisis and theres nothing i can do while my mind completely shuts down, especially since i broke my monitor and i probably wont have a computer for months
im just so tired. im just so so fucking tired and theres nobody i can fall back on anymore
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!