Nyan nyan?
@Terxbor Sorry terx, I been real busy today. how are you? ^w^
Seriously... whenever she gets like that... it makes... never mind. Trigger point. It's that bad.
@Terxbor sounds rough :/ I'm sorry you're dealing with that. is there anything you can do to get away from her? I found getting away from my immediate family to be immensely helpful.
@nyanuri I'm at a McDonald's right now... but I have nothing beyond just a few hours. I have no RL friends I can stay with, no money for other arrangements, no job... Everything always just feels so hopeless.
@Terxbor why don't you have meatspace friends? :/
@nyanuri I have nowhere to make friends. I don't go to school, I have no social spaces that I know of to go to...
The few friends I do have are all still living at their parents' houses.
@Terxbor you don't like... date gay people or go to a queer community center or support group? there's lots of ways to make meatspace friends ^w^
Don't know where any community centers are, gay, straight, or otherwise. Support groups have been counterproductive...
@Terxbor what about this one? https://www.lgbtcenteroc.org/
Wow... that website sucks. Should have been able to see the address right off the bat. Instead it took me until now, checking five or six pages.
@Terxbor yeah community center sites are often pretty bad because they're managed by volunteers. Maybe you could help them out if you know your way around an html document. ^w^
It's not really a COMMUNITY center... more just services.
@Terxbor well that's how you meet people, just kinda show up to stuff and talk to folx
@nyanuri Like I said... I don't really wanna talk about it. But in short... my mom keeps demanding that I do every little thing she says and that not listening to her is ruining my life. Even when the things she said is ULTRA stupid. (And it often is. Or worse.)