I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here but I'm a HUGE fan of a villain character called "The Dark Knight" (pictured below) from an old BBC kids show "Incredible Games"

I've wanted to have a cosplay of this since I was a kid, and this year I should FINALLY be able to do this!

I commissioned someone to make the cloak and another to 3D model the helmet, which has been 3D printed and just needs putting together. 1/3

I am hyperfocusing right now, haha.

Gosh I love The Dark Knight SO much! My first crush, my longest obsession, the thing that makes me weak at the knees.

I would do anything to experience this game RL (from both perspectives!!!).

I just... this is the thing that means the most to me, more than anything else! <3

(Vid if you want to see the game! youtu.be/WKiLMduKcTg?si=dfYDMf )

@renbymon not gonna lie it's super cute to see you like this over The Dark Knight

@PsyChuan I think The Dark Knight is to me what Renamon is to you <3

@renbymon i was thinking the same thing!!! all we need now is for The Dark Knight to feel about housecat furries the way I feel about Renamons and you feel about The Dark Knight and we'll have a li'l triangle goin'

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