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(Adding another post, with an updated pic, so I can pin this to my profile)

Howls! I'm Rivaclaw, a trans werewolf woman!

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It's done!!! Updated ref sheet!

GoaTuna (goatuna on πŸ”΅β€‹β˜οΈβ€‹) did such a FANTASTIC job!!!

HECK it me!!! πŸ’›β€‹πŸ’œβ€‹

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Just got off the phone with my GP, he suggested that I self refer to the local GIC as it'll be quicker than waiting 2 weeks for us to meet again for an appointment to go through pretty much the same form, lol.

Gonna do that when I get home tonight! πŸ’œπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

Long time coming but ahhhhh finally!!!
Those of you who knew me in the early 2000s, and knew I was trans back then (there are a couple of you), you were right. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Perhaps the least surprising things to show up at Vancoufur this year: The Connections Museum having a stall and one of the artists bringing an Amiga to do commissions on.

Two finished suit symbols, zhe perfect drawing work for when I'm too tired to do anyzhing else. Acorns and Knives

It's important to do exactly this to your drawings during your art process, to check for scale/anatomy inconsistencies

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The UK government must tighten up the definitions and exemptions in the Online Safety Act to avoid the loss of safe spaces online.

The Secretary of State has the power to change the categorisation of sites NOW.

⏰ Write to your MP to exempt small and harmless sites BEFORE 17 March ⬇️

#SaveOurSites 🌐

#netplurality #onlinesafetyact #onlinesafety #ukpolitics #ukpol

cw: eye contact in photos

Got a couple of 3D printed wolf muzzle masks because I couldn't decide on just one and I want one for when I'm DJing!

I'm thinking the first one is probably what I'm gonna go with, but I'm gonna clean then up and put straps on first. :3

I work in nuclear energy. When I want to say that something is fissile, I'll say that it's "spicy". If it's radioactive, without being fissile, I'll say that it's "fruity". If it's simultaneously fissile and radioactive, it's both spicy and fruity, so it's barbecue flavour?

Petition to sign for UK folks. Probably like trying to desalinate a piss ocean given the current state of this govt and the previous one too, but hey, every little helps, and they can't pretend we don't exist.

what I wish people without ADHD would understand 

maybe the one single thing that I find most difficult to convey for non-ADHD people is that, for non-ADHD people, reminder memory (the kind of memory that goes off like an alarm, "ah yes I have to buy gloves before my trip") is directly correlated to emotional importance. the more you care about something, the more likely you are to remember it.

with ADHD there's no relation. you can care about something more than anything in life, and just flat out blank about it. and then remember to fold your laundry but not that the deadline for the 2000€ tax return was tomorrow, or whatever.

I once forgot that I had a child that I was supposed to pick after school. I picked them after school every day. I wasn't especially busy or anything, I wasn't distracted or concentrated, it wasn't any sort of special day. I just flat out forgot that I am a mom. I obviously care more than anything about my children, getting that phone call and realising that my kid was left out all alone as all of their friends were picked up one by one broke my fucking heart, but this has no bearing whatsoever in how likely I am to remember to do something.

non-ADHD people will understand this when I explain it, in abstract. but then when I forget something they care about and they think I should care about, they'll take it as evidence that I don't care about it enough. if I did I would have remembered, they feel. this hurts because it's like you're not really being seen, some other imaginary person is being painted in place of you. a distance is created, a gap.

My mixes may be clean but are they exciting/interesting to people listening? My brain is wired differently enough that I don't understand how a lot of people react to things, so I do have to just guess and that's not easy for me to put into something I feel proud of.

The few times I've really made the club heave has been when playing what I consider to be bangers, so maybe I do have an understanding of what people like? Hello lack of confidence πŸ™ƒ (2/2)

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(cross posted from my bsky)

I love DJing but wow I second guess everything about myself and my ability. Thinking about submitting a demo for an event and when looking at the requirements part of my brain is like "is that a thing I can even do?"

I'm entirely self-taught and I don't really have anyone nearby that I can learn from or bounce ideas off, so it can feel that I'm not learning or getting better, other than minimising my mistakes. (1/2)

fitness, weight 

Had a couple of bad weeks but I'm starting to get back on top of everything! Down to 119.9kg today!

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Brain is being dumb today. Anxiety and stuff.

Always feel like this when I want to do something related to DJing and remember all the rejections I get without feedback other than "we had better candidates"

Thanks a bunch for not providing anything constructive πŸ™ƒ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!