CW: eye contact in photos, hence marked sensetive.

Some photos of myself from the start of coming out as trans to about six months ago.

I hadn't realised that I've been wearing the same glasses for over two years, lol. Really need to get some new frames.

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cw: eye contact in photos

Got a couple of 3D printed wolf muzzle masks because I couldn't decide on just one and I want one for when I'm DJing!

I'm thinking the first one is probably what I'm gonna go with, but I'm gonna clean then up and put straps on first. :3

Getting around to digitising my Hardcore (Happy and UK) vinyl singles :3

End results aren't as sharp/focused as I would have liked, but still kinda clear. :)

Taken on a Canon Rebel T3i/600D with a 200mm lens, f16, ISO400, 1/400 on the left and 1/16 on the right.

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Clear skies and nice bright moon means moon photography!! Awoooo!!! 🌕🐺

Managed to catch it on my way home from work as the clouds were rolling in for the night!

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I'm pretty serious about this being a returning and very strong thing for me, haha; Last night, as we were packing away all the gear from a video shoot, I looked up into the late evening sky and saw the moon shining. I felt so happy to see it again (I hadn't seen it for over a week due to weather and weird moon rise and set times) and I had to take a photo of it!

There's something magical about seeing the moon with your own eyes. 🌕🐺

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horny posting, just a thing for me but you can look too if you like 

RRRFUCK really horny for The Dark Knight right now.

Like I got hyperfocused a few days ago and I've spent them just focusing on really tiny details about the costume and it's made me very squirmy, haha

Like did you know that the visor is clear but outside viewrs can't see in due to how it's recessed, meaning the face inside is always in shadow. That REALLY pushes my buttons for some reason. >.>

(Adding another post, with an updated pic, so I can pin this to my profile)

Howls! I'm Rivaclaw, a trans werewolf woman!

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Werewolf DONE!
Name chosen: "Riveclaw" (pronounced /ˈriːva/) which comes from an old norse/Icelandic/Yorkshire word meaning "to tear/rip".

I am so incredibly happy with how this turned out. People who've known me a long time will know that werewolves are important to me, but dysphoria and gender confusion pushed that all away, but I'm glad that it's coming back with a strength I haven't felt before!

This is a side of me resurfacing. 💜 🐺

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Started working on it this morning. After cutting down the old, dead, PS1 memory card PCB I was able to fit the RP2040-Zero, and MicroSD reader, inside the case.

Next is soldering all the cables, programming the RP2040-Zero, and then final fitting :3

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horny ramblings, costume stuff 

Another reason that I really want to lose weight is because I want to wear skin tight costumes and I hate how my gut looks when I do wear them

Especially wanna be the boy Wolfrun 💜💜💜💜

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New sticker of yours truly running a Renamon kissing booth. Just look at how big my rena paws are! <33333

🎨 GoaTuna -​

Been going through my vinyl again, getting ready for Saturday when I'll be DJing at Fur The Record in Glasgow! :3

SO happy to have access to the whole series and can watch it whenever I want and just think an awful lot about how I wanna be The Dark Knight all the time. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!