Finally been able to get my words in order re this.

Leeds is currently the largest city in Europe without some form of metro system. It has buses and standard rail. It's current road network was designed to be a "Motorway City".

The roads are packed with vehicles and the buses are packed with people. Some evenings it's impossible to get a bus because of how full they are.

Everything is at capacity. The entire county needs a rapid transit system.


Without a metro Leeds needs double if not triple the number of buses to cater for the number of commuters to be able to realistically reduce the number of cars on the road.

Though cycling is a great method of personal convenience, a good commuting bike is unfortunately a luxury (in Britain) that is not affordable for some.

The long and short of it is that the entire county of West Yorkshire needs a metro system.

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@renbymon And yet, that'd require the kind of influx of money and resources that the Tory government would never deign to assign to the north. x_x

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