
hell yeah I'm a geeky trans girl Renamon and I wiggle excitedly every time someone shares Renamon art with me

really need to commission some artwork of me being all linux geeky like Xenia (the alternative linux mascot)!

brb getting my futatsudomoe thigh markings replaced with debian swirls

What if I get my Renamon thigh markings tattooed on my actual thighs? :bunhdthink:

If I do it won't be until I've been on HRT for a while and my body shape there has settled.

@philpem If I can good brain enough (overcome the anxiety) to approach an artist who's open for comms, then I totally will. :)

@avon_deer I think it might be a present to myself after I try on HRT and have been on it for a while.

@renbymon wait until HRT has started working… you don’t want stretched ink

@renbymon Once your body has settled, do it do it do it

@renbymon I'm honestly wanting to take Xenia as my legal name (but keep Light as what I'm known as) . It resonates so incredibly well with me.

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