Disappointing when you find an interesting youtube vid and see that they're using AI art. :|


@ret Retro Recipies. I did wonder if 8BG's recent vid had one in the thumbnail, but RR's recent vid about decoding ham radio signals using an Amiga has like four or five obvious pieces of AI art in it for like no reason at all?

@renbymon Yeah 8BG's thumbnail is definitely AI generated content. Sad :blobfoxannoyed:

@ret oof yeah that's a shame. :(

Just looked at RR's FAQ and it's like "If we don't use AI then we can't do videos once a week!"

@renbymon @ret Always had a weird vibe about Perifractic oddly enough. I can't place it but AI art? Not really a huge surprise. Sucks that it's becoming normalised

@ret @renbymon isn't he the guy who was posting pictures of him with a rifle in a Walmart to troll the Sandy Hook parents?

@philpem @ret ahh shit I didn't know it was because of that.
Given he lives in texas, which is an open carry state, I just assumed that was why :|

@philpem @ret @renbymon not sure if it was to troll, but he was walking in a walmart with a rifle on his back (which is legal in tx, but for some reason not many people do it *that* way)
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