One for the old TV buffs - does anyone know who produced the ITV Schools roto and clock, or how it was made?
#oldtv #tvidents #tv #uktv

Update on the ITV Schools animation quest. It's raytraced and was designed by a team from Central TV, then rendered on a Symbolics system with their S-Render software. S-Render later became Nichimen N-space, which was used for 3D modelling for early computer games - notably on the N64.


@philpem Now that you mention it, it does feel very Central Television of the era!

@renbymon @philpem Well now I’m having flashbacks to CFz2010 when I painstakingly recreated it for the pub quiz.

@twll @renbymon ...funnily enough, I was about to try and recreate it too...!

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