Results of my appeal to the uni are in, and yeah... No financial help. Apparently I don't qualify for the GNC bursary because I don't have a gender recognition certificate, and all the other bursaries/scholarships/discounts they do are just for non-whites.

This means I either need to find 4 grand by September, or I don't get to finish my Masters. Bah.

@renbymon Yeah... It doubly sucks because I've been pulling merits/distinctions on this which has given me something to be actually proud of after my dismal BSc performance. I know I can technically have a couple years off without losing my shot, it just downgrade to a post-grad diploma instead since the module I'm doing would finish it, but... I dunno, it feels like I'd be giving up, or at the very least losing all the momentum I've built. It sucks :(

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