Clear skies and nice bright moon means moon photography!! Awoooo!!! 🌕🐺
End results aren't as sharp/focused as I would have liked, but still kinda clear. :)
Taken on a Canon Rebel T3i/600D with a 200mm lens, f16, ISO400, 1/400 on the left and 1/16 on the right.
@renbymon moon!!!!! :DDDDD
@limbic I feel so happy everytime I see the moon ^.^
@renbymon i love za moon... such a comforting pretty sure @trans_lykanthropie too would agree c:
@limbic @renbymon moon! awwooo! :D
@trans_lykanthropie @limbic awoooooooo! 💜🌕🐺
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
End results aren't as sharp/focused as I would have liked, but still kinda clear. :)
Taken on a Canon Rebel T3i/600D with a 200mm lens, f16, ISO400, 1/400 on the left and 1/16 on the right.