"my laptop is slow and won't charge"


Because you don't look after it:

You hibernate it rather than log off

You stick in your bag still turned on where it gets overly hot and shuts down ungracefully when the battery runs out

You cancel the update requests on the rare occasions it is ABLE to see the corporate network to get the updates.

You are generally rough with the device.

You put it on those stupid stands which causes gravity to act on the shitty usbc charger cable and pulls out the internal connections.

Did i miss anything out?


@avon_deer It's pretty common for users at my workplace to do things like putting laptops in a bag while switched on and hibernated/suspend rather than shutdown.

I assumed it was because they had used Surface Pros in the past, which are built more like tablets, but seeing that you've got the same deal I guess people in general aren't being taught best practices.

@renbymon I don't think people are being taught at all. It is assumed they already know. And I'd make the argument that (thanks to tablets) younger people actually know LESS now than they did ten years ago.

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